Tuesday, May 5, 2009

It's time to Par-tay!

Today we celebrate Andrew and his first year of life! We had his birthday party this past Saturday and boy what a turn out! We ended up having more than 60 people show up! I told Drew that he was loved by a lot of people, and those were just the people who could come :) Thank goodness we cleaned out the garage a bit and were able to put a couple of tables in there for people to sit down! By the time the presents were ready to be opened, Andrew was pretty tired but he pulled through! He opened one and then pretty much only played with that while mommy and daddy opened the rest. Next was cake! We thought he would just rip into it but it was quite the opposite...not one blob of frosting was tasted! He could of cared less, but he was interested in giving some to mommy! haha Oh well, I'm sure next year will be different and a little bit more exciting :) Once everyone left (around 6pm), Birthday boy was really tired! I tried to give him a bottle before I put him down and he drank half awake and the other half, he was pretty much already passed out but he managed to get it all down :) He slept almost 13 hours that night!

For his actual birthday, we went on our first bike ride with Andrew's new trailer we got from the Maurers & Yvonne! You can't tell from the picture, but he really did enjoy himself :) Thank you to everyone that was able to make it to his birthday party, we are so blessed that we have so many people that love us!