Friday, May 22, 2009

Andrew Update + Daddy Gets A New Job!

This is the first summer of Drew's life that he gets to fully enjoy a pool (last year he was too little to get all the way in, but he still stuck his feet in) and like I expected, he's a fish! He is always pointing out the door to go to the pool no matter what time it is :) He loves his floaty pool toys and he thinks it's hilarious when Smokey (our Jack Russell) jumps in and swims with him!

He's getting so big and trying to talk a ton! He says, "hi", "hat", "dad", "I love you" and the kicker..."I did it!" He's amazing :) He just started trying to blow kisses and wave bye bye too :) Still no more steps since a couple weeks ago...I chalk it up to him being faster at crawling so he figures he will stick with that for a while ;) Oh well, no rush! He can stay my baby as long as he wants to!

On a doubly positive note, Daddy finally found a job! He will be working as an estimator at Blazona Concrete and he starts Tuesday. They are a bigger company than his first job (Mitchell Concrete) but smaller than the last company he left (Urata & Sons Concrete). Hopefully this company will take better care of him!