We have only owned the house for 12 days, but it has already been an interesting experience. We have recently hit a little rough patch in our lives, but like everything else, we will work through it. A week and a half after purchasing our home, Brad was unfortunately laid off from Urata & Sons Cement due to the falling economy. All I can say is thank God that it didn’t happen a week earlier because we would not of qualified for the loan. He has already started frantically searching for his next job and has gotten a couple of leads that we are anxiously awaiting word back from. He will be attending a job fair at his College on Friday so hopefully more will come of it! To add fuel to our un-lucky fire, a day after Brad was laid off, his truck was broken into while it was parked right in front of our house and his work laptop was stolen along with his backpack that had all of his homework in it! We filed a police report, but I am sure the computer is long gone by now.
On a lighter note, the house itself is awesome! Everything is just about put away, and the boxes are dwindling. Brad is working on fixing up the garage so it feels a little bit nicer going in there to do laundry. We have made friends with just about all of our direct neighbors (most are nice retired couples) and we warned them of our bad luck with the theft. They said they never have run into anything like that in all of their years of living there and they would keep an eye out for us. We will be posting a family picture in front of our house soon once it stops raining! These pictures are all I could get at the moment and it has the staged furniture, but you will get the jyst :)