Monday, March 30, 2009

11 Months Down!!

Today our little man turns 11 months old! He has changed so much within the last month, it's crazy! He now dances to music, which is fun! He also points at everything and expects a detailed response from you as to what that particular object is. He can recognize and point to mommy, daddy, himself, and a bunch of other people in pictures! His "girlfriend" Chloe Carrier (who is 2 by the way) has taught him how to drink out of a straw (this newest trick is still kind of hit or miss...sometimes he likes to take the liquid up through the straw but then forgets/thinks it's funny to not swallow resulting in a soggy t-shirt). He has been blabbing up a storm lately too! He is so very close to forming sentences!

The picture above is of his new pedal car given to him by His Grandma & Grandpa Dent! All of us were at a garage sale in Folsom when we came across this guy's house who had nothing but awesome, vintage things from the 60's and 70's! Brad, Ken and Andrew were like kids in a candy shop, and then they looked up and there it was. The most amazing pedal car ever! Drew got all wiggly as he desperately tried to escape my arms to see this shiny new car. I stood him up next to it and he instantly started turning the steering wheel and shifting the pretend was love at first sight for Drew and of course Grandma & Grandpa couldn't help but to purchase the low-rider for him :) It needed just a couple safety modifications before we could let Drew have-at-it when he got home but he's been a happy camper ever since :)