Monday, March 30, 2009

11 Months Down!!

Today our little man turns 11 months old! He has changed so much within the last month, it's crazy! He now dances to music, which is fun! He also points at everything and expects a detailed response from you as to what that particular object is. He can recognize and point to mommy, daddy, himself, and a bunch of other people in pictures! His "girlfriend" Chloe Carrier (who is 2 by the way) has taught him how to drink out of a straw (this newest trick is still kind of hit or miss...sometimes he likes to take the liquid up through the straw but then forgets/thinks it's funny to not swallow resulting in a soggy t-shirt). He has been blabbing up a storm lately too! He is so very close to forming sentences!

The picture above is of his new pedal car given to him by His Grandma & Grandpa Dent! All of us were at a garage sale in Folsom when we came across this guy's house who had nothing but awesome, vintage things from the 60's and 70's! Brad, Ken and Andrew were like kids in a candy shop, and then they looked up and there it was. The most amazing pedal car ever! Drew got all wiggly as he desperately tried to escape my arms to see this shiny new car. I stood him up next to it and he instantly started turning the steering wheel and shifting the pretend was love at first sight for Drew and of course Grandma & Grandpa couldn't help but to purchase the low-rider for him :) It needed just a couple safety modifications before we could let Drew have-at-it when he got home but he's been a happy camper ever since :)

Sunday, March 29, 2009

Andrew's New Ride (Video PUSH PLAY)

This is Andrew's new pedal car that was given to him from his Grandpa & Grandma D (He LOVED it from the second he saw it at a garage sale yesterday)! He got right in and started steering the wheel and "shifting the gears". He just figured out how to wave Bye-Bye too!

Drew's First Train Ride

Today we took Drew on his frist Train Ride at the Folsom City Zoo and let me tell you, it was ALL business for Andrew. Not one smile was cracked the whole train ride! The wind was blowing in his hair, the train whistle was screetching and he couldn't of been more serious! It was still cute to watch his curiosity spark every time the conductor turned around and tooted the horn trying to get him to smile :) Maybe we will try again later when it's not during his normal nap time!

Thursday, March 26, 2009

Drew and His Great-Great Grandpa Hopkins

This picture was taken at Madeleine Barrett's (she is Great-Great Grandpa Hopkin's girlfriend) 75th birthday party and it was super cute too see Andrew and him together! They don't get to spend a lot of time with each other so it's always special when they do get together :)

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Andrew's New Favorite Game (VIDEO Push Play!)

This is Andrew's new favorite toy...Grandma D's entertainment center (well, the door anyway). He was cracking himself up...and me too :)

Tuesday, March 3, 2009

The Team Dent Home

We have only owned the house for 12 days, but it has already been an interesting experience. We have recently hit a little rough patch in our lives, but like everything else, we will work through it. A week and a half after purchasing our home, Brad was unfortunately laid off from Urata & Sons Cement due to the falling economy. All I can say is thank God that it didn’t happen a week earlier because we would not of qualified for the loan. He has already started frantically searching for his next job and has gotten a couple of leads that we are anxiously awaiting word back from. He will be attending a job fair at his College on Friday so hopefully more will come of it! To add fuel to our un-lucky fire, a day after Brad was laid off, his truck was broken into while it was parked right in front of our house and his work laptop was stolen along with his backpack that had all of his homework in it! We filed a police report, but I am sure the computer is long gone by now.

On a lighter note, the house itself is awesome! Everything is just about put away, and the boxes are dwindling. Brad is working on fixing up the garage so it feels a little bit nicer going in there to do laundry. We have made friends with just about all of our direct neighbors (most are nice retired couples) and we warned them of our bad luck with the theft. They said they never have run into anything like that in all of their years of living there and they would keep an eye out for us. We will be posting a family picture in front of our house soon once it stops raining! These pictures are all I could get at the moment and it has the staged furniture, but you will get the jyst :)

10 Months!!!

This week marks Drew’s tenth month of age! Still three pounds short of twenty (he can have a front facing car-seat at twenty pounds which I know he will LOVE), he has developed into a humorous and active little boy! He enjoys a new game…crawling as fast as he can down the hallway, laughing the whole way, while you chase him. It’s pretty cute too see how excited he gets when he anticipates things as you joke with him!

Drew has also become quite the eater! He can put away almost a whole can of Gerber Graduate Raviolis plus a few servings of fruit! He can eat just about anything that’s softer, but we have to cut it up into pieces a little bit bigger than a pea. For most breakfasts, he enjoys three dollar sized pancakes and a half of a cut up banana. His favorite lunch consists of American Cheese, Turkey & Lightly Salted Saltine crackers. Dinner favorite is hands down Raviolis and a side of peas and carrots (he likes to squish each pea with his pincher fingers before he eats it). It’s funny to watch him eat because he will pick out all of his favorite part of dinner like the peas, then moves onto just the Raviolis, then goes back for all of the carrots, no matter if they are all mixed together.

Since it has been raining for the past week, we haven’t been able to go outside much and Drew is feeling the cabin fever set in! He crawls up to the glass door to the back yard, stands up, puts both hands on the glass and then squishes his forehead on the door and presses his face against the glass. Poor little guy! Hopefully it will stop raining soon, even just for a little bit, so we can go for a walk!

He still hasn’t taken those anticipated first steps without assistance, but I swear they will be just around the corner! He can totally free stand without the aid of anything, but then squats down to crawl when he want to go somewhere. I can’t imagine how much more the kid could get into once he walks! EVERYTHING is fair game when it comes to putting things in his mouth! Brad pulled out a leaf from his mouth this morning…I swear the house has never been so clean!