Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Drew Got His Captian's Wings!

Drew had his first experience with a plane on his way to Texas this week! We surprised our Great Aunt Bea with a visit because she is unable to get around like she used to. As you can imagine, she was very excited too see both of us! It's been almost 10 years if not more since I was able to visit her last. My mom was already in Texas attending a seminar so Drew and I flew out on Wednesday by ourselves to meet up with her. Well...let me tell you, I was terrified! Was I going to be labeled "that lady with the screaming baby"?? We were also worried about Hurricane Ike but did some research and where we were going to be staying, we wouldn't be affected. We got on the first flight to Phoenix, Arizona without any problems. We were a few minutes late landing and we only had 10 minutes to get to our next flight! Of course the gate we had to be at was at the complete other side of the airport so I had Drew on a front backpack and had all the other crap thrown over my shoulders and we RAN...a long way! I swear the gate would never come! I finally found the gate and sat down but to my astonishment, no one else was around. Did we miss the flight? No but they did switch gates on us and didn't have any signs to tell us! Thank God the janitor came by when he did and asked if we were going to San Antonio! Drew and I were the last 2 passengers to get on the flight and off in the air we went again! Drew again slept so I lucked out again! As we were landing, Drew decided he was D-O-N-E with traveling for the day. I thought he was entitled to the melt down he had in the car on the way to the hotel room! We finally made it to Aunt Bea's and we spent a lot of time reconnecting! She told us stories of when I was little and she taught Drew how to count to 10 in Spanish (well, as much as she could haha). I really wish she lived closer to us, she is an amazing woman and I miss her very much! Needless to say, the trip was too short but we missed daddy a bunch so it was time to come home! We promised her we would come back in a year and this time bring Brad :) The flight home went just as smooth except this time Drew stayed awake a bit to flirt with the hot blond lady sitting next to us...I think he just wanted the burrito she was eating :)