We went in today for our 4 month checkup and another round of shots. Drew weighed in at 13 pounds 4 ounces and is now 2 feet and 1.5 inches! Almost as tall as daddy...well, he might have a ways to go still :) He hasn't gained as much weight because since he has started moving around as much, he has started to burn off some of that baby fat! We were given the go-ahead to feed him 3 meals of solid food a day along with formula in between! She also checked too see if he was teething and his lower gums looked inflamed but still thick. The doctor thinks he will be cutting lower teeth soon! She was also VERY impressed with how well he was able to sit up and get into standing position. The doctor also commented on how well he was able to focus on faces and how well he interacts with people. Like I needed to be told my kid was a genius! haha I asked about his belly button being a little darker than it used to be and she said that was pretty normal with darker skinned babies. It was kind of like a collection of pigment and it should go away on its own. She also mentioned that he will probably be crawling long before 6 months because of his progress so far so we better start baby proofing the house! Here we go, the real challenge of having a kid...mobility!
Drew did better with the shots but we still both cried...a lot. I don't think I will ever be able to handle seeing my son in pain, no matter how small it is. The next round of shots come in November for his 6 month appointment! Can you believe how fast time is going by??