I had to fill this out (click on them to make them larger) for Drew's new Preschool/Daycare he starts this Monday! I never really thought about these questions with Drew and thought it would be fun to share it with him one day so he can get a feel of the type of kid he was. This is a fantastic facility and just some of the things they do every day include: Write their names, Play alphabet puzzles, Bake bread, Play dress-up, Create their own songs, nature hikes, Walk in the rain, Get Messy, Clean up, Sculpt with play-doh, Paint, Color, Count things, Play action games, Read books, Dance, Do yoga...in other words, I wish I could go there! The teacher is a CA certified teacher who used to teach toddlers, preschoolers, and 8th grade middle schoolers. Drew is very excited to start, but probably not as excited as I am for him with all the stuff he gets to do!