Monday, February 2, 2009

9 Months and Still Cuter Than Ever!

9 months. I know I've said this before, but I am typing so I am going to say it again so you're just gonna have to learn to like it. I can't believe how old Drew is getting!! Time has flown by like crazy!

Drew can finally eat Gerber Graduate Puffs without choking and gagging! That has been a big milestone for him this month! He also eats little pieces of our dinner like chicken or turkey...since he's had a taste of real food he has pretty much sworn off baby food, but he's still gotta eat it for a while longer. He also wants to skip dinner all together and get right to his puffs...which he eats about 100 haha Oh he also has been very interested in dog food...he got 2 pieces so far. He's such a fast crawler and that's the first thing he goes for when he makes a jailbreak! Oh well, what's wrong with a little more protein, right?

He has been standing like crazy with the aid of anything and let's go for about a second and free stands...until he realizes that he's standing then he panics and falls. He'll get it before we know it and I'll be wishing he still just slept, ate and pooped like he did when he was our little newborn blob.