Tuesday, August 26, 2014

Taking care of his mommy

Mommy and Leo haven't been feeling the greatest so needless to say food preparation for myself while Drew was in school wasn't exactly a main concern...naps were. Drew, my sweet caring child, asked me when he got home from school today if I had eaten lunch. I said no and he started making me a PBJ sandwich. How did I get so lucky with him??

Saturday, August 23, 2014

Drew's First Official Soccer Seeding Tournament!

 Today was the day where his team played a bunch of other teams to see where they rank so they can be paired up with players that match their skill level. Andrew did fantastic and tried his very best despite being a little bit nervous! The team as a whole really impressed their coach with how they all came together with such little practice under their belt.

Monday, August 18, 2014

After School Snow Cones

So once a week either after school or after soccer practice, we grab a snow cone. There is a whole list of flavors that Drew has vowed to go through...this is the Ninja Turtle :)

Thursday, August 14, 2014

Drew's First Day of 1st Grade...Already!!

Jaime joined me in sending our big first grader off to class on his first day! He pretty much ditched us both as soon as he saw all of his friends...sigh, getting so big so fast! I do have to say, having a newborn and all the lack of sleep fun that comes with that whole experience coupled with getting my biggest monkey ready in the morning for school is quite the challenging experience. Thankfully, Drew is pretty self sufficient and is a HUGE help :)

Monday, August 4, 2014

Drew's First Soccer Practice

First practice went really well considering half the boys on Drew's team already had a season of soccer under their belt. Drew isn't the most aggressive player out there, but he tries really hard to keep up with the ball! Can't wait for his first game!