Friday, March 28, 2014

Drew Finds a 4 Leaf Clover

 Andrew was so excited to find this 4 leaf clover and said he wanted to give it to his brother :)

Tuesday, March 18, 2014

Drew Wrote a Note

I can't express how much I love this note. I keep it secured to my visor in my car at all times :)

Saturday, March 15, 2014

First Lost Tooth!!

 Drew was so excited to FINALLY have a wiggly tooth and when it popped out at Nannie's house, he was even more ecstatic that it didn't hurt like he thought it would! He got a visit from the tooth fairy and was left some money and a new "transformer" (Drew's name for a Swiss army like tool with pliers). Maybe to help with the next wiggly tooth perhaps?

Thursday, March 6, 2014

"Mom, what color is my tongue?"

Drew finds it hilarious when he eats anything that happens to turn his tongue a different color!

Wednesday, March 5, 2014

Practicing For Baby Brother

 Drew was very concerned that he wouldn't know how to change his brother's diapers once he came out so Mrs. Howell (Drew's prior preschool teacher) gave him a practice doll and I got him some practice diapers. He is going to be the best big brother ever!

Tuesday, March 4, 2014

Pet Store Fun

Sometimes when Drew and I are bored, we head down to the local Feed Shop and check out all the baby chicks :)