Sunday, April 29, 2012

Fun at the Park!

We got Drew this sweet giant foam airplane and his first skateboard! When he tried to throw the airplane, it was so big the tail kept smacking him in the back of the head ;) He got the process eventually and loved it!

He was a little hesitant with the skateboard but took to it surprisingly quickly! He would stand on it and wiggle his butt until the skateboard moved. It was pretty cute!

Saturday, April 28, 2012

Party at Landon's House!

Drew's "very best friend" (Drew's exact words when describing Landon) is only a few days older than Drew so when his party comes around, Drew is always excited! Here's a couple of pictures from the party!

Thursday, April 26, 2012

Rocket Ships!

One day, grandpa Frank promised Andrew he would get him some "rocket ships" (these were a huge part of my childhood having an electrical contractor for a dad so of course he has to pass down the tradition to his grandson). Drew reminds him every time he sees him about his rocket ships but my dad usually isn't in his work truck when we see him so he didn't have any. We went to visit Grandpa Frank for dinner and on the drive up, I made sure to text him to have a couple ready for Drew because he was asking again (he has a memory like a steel trap- you tell him you're going to get him something, you best be ready to deliver). He was so excited when he was finally given the rockets he put on a few epic blast off shows for us right then and there (the count-down was more like a count-up, however) :)

Practice Fishing with Grandpa Frank! [Video]

Since Drew is going fishing at school on Friday, grandpa Frank thought it was important to show Drew a couple techniques for when he has a fish on the line ;)

My date fell asleep on me during dinner.

I bet he did this to get out of the bill. The nerve of some guys...

Saturday, April 21, 2012

Drew has a new worm friend! [Video]

I'm fine with these little long as they don't make their way into the house!

Look who I found writing in his room all by himself!

I've been so very proud of Drew! He has really taken to his school and learning in general and I'm so glad he's finally using the chalkboard we installed for him in his room :)

Good Morning!

This is how I wake up most mornings when Drew crawls into my bed at 7:00am on the dot.

Wednesday, April 18, 2012

What a lovely, heartwarming pose, Drew.

Not sure where he picked this lovely trait up from ;)

Monday, April 16, 2012

Planting Our Garden!

Drew and I were walking through the garden section of Lowe's and we stumbled upon a super cool garden for kids! It has an interactive website that guides us through the whole process, seeds, starter pellets, and watering tray. We planted our seeds and watched them very closely for about a week when they started to sprout! This is exciting...considering I can't seem to grow anything. We transplanted the little guys into their very own planter box. I can't wait until some veggies grow!

Saturday, April 14, 2012

Drew's Souvenir from San Francisco

My mom, sister and I went down to San Francisco and we ran across a shop that made custom shirts. Since this is Drew's most favorite saying currently, how could I not get this shirt made? Hilarious.

Thursday, April 12, 2012

Holy Handsome, Batman!

Drew's cousin Anthony is getting married to Kait this Friday the 13th so of course Drew needed to wear something delivered! ;)

EDIT: Here is the aftermath of the wedding haha

Saturday, April 7, 2012

Easter With Mom 2012

For this year's Easter, we filled the whole weekend with fun! Friday night, we colored our eggs using this fancy drip free egg color system (all the fun, none of the mess for mom to clean up).

Saturday we started the morning off with an egg hunt at the Folsom Lembi Park with Drew's best friend Landon! Drew got his arm painted with Jack Skeleton and got to play a few games before the hunt began! The time was finally here for the hunt to begin. We all lined up around the battlefield and counted down from 10! When the horn sounded, the kids were off!! Drew and Landon began the hunt holding hands and then decided quickly they better part ways (I was frantically running after him trying to keep track...he is fast!) Literally 35 seconds later, well over 5,000 eggs were snatched up and the field was covered in little seated groups of kids going through their eggs and eating their treasures. Drew and Landon got around 10 eggs each and they were very excited!

After the egg hunt, Grandpa Frank treated myself, Drew and Breanna to a 3 hour train ride in Sacramento! It was about 45-50 min to the park where the Easter Bunny was waiting with more eggs to hunt! Drew loved the Train ride until the ride home when we decided to sit in the open cart...Drew said he was cold (it was plenty warm outside haha). I let him borrow my jacket. Still cold. I put the hood on him and cinched it closed. Eyes were cold now. So I gave him my sunglasses...oi vey ;) They served us cupcakes and Drew was good then :)

Sunday was Easter! Drew woke up nice and early to hunt for some eggs and get his treats the Easter Bunny left for him! The Easter Bunny also wrote him a letter! He was very excited about that :)

Later that morning we decided to make some Easter Treats and headed to Grandpa Frank & Judy's house for dinner...and more eggs. Drew is one lucky boy! Happy Easter!!

Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Easter with Dad 2012

Since Brad is going to be out of town this weekend, they decided to do their Easter celebration today. They colored Easter eggs and made yummy treats! Drew is so lucky that he has so many people in his life who love him :)