Friday, November 25, 2011

Cookie Monster's Thanksgiving Part 2!

Drew has developed quite the knack for baking and he always offers to help me make chocolate chip cookies! If he can get past eating all of the chocolate chips before we mix them in, we are in good shape. His favorite part is to have me roll the balls of cookie dough and then he squishes them down "just a little bit with his fingers". This is by far my most favorite way to spend special time with him and I cherish every minute of it.

These particular cookies were made for Mommy's Thanksgiving part 2! I cooked another huge feast just for us the day after Thanksgiving (my holidays don't commence until Drew is with me). It was a good day :)

Thursday, November 24, 2011

Turkey Day 2011

This Thanksgiving, Drew spent with his dad and the Hill side of the family (this is Drew's great Aunt Denise Hill with him). He ate lots and lots of turkey from what I heard (I'm guessing not so much mashed potatoes...he hates that mushy stuff) and lots of yummy sweets.

Family is so important right now, especially since this is our first year without Diana (Drew's grandmother on his father's side)...we are all trying our best to put on a happy face but it's definitely not getting any easier.

Sunday, November 20, 2011

The Perfect Man.

I'm holding on to this favorite pass time of his as long as I can...I'm sure it won't last long!

Friday, November 11, 2011

Drew goes Ice Skating!

Drew had been asking to go ice skating the last couple of weeks (he's never been) so we decided to take him to the rink at the Galleria Mall! He was super excited to strap the skates on his shoes all by himself, of course (they have 2 blades so he won't fall over) and get his assistant "mister seal" (the orange thing he is holding also so he won't fall over). He took one step on the ice and started to freak out because his footing was so unsure...cried for about 1.4 seconds and then the smiles came and never left! Like a 90 year old man with his walker, Drew scooted around and around the rink! He even sat on the seal so I could push him around (he liked that a lot but wanted to be like the other kids and "skate" himself after a couple rounds). I got tired LONG before Drew did. In fact, the only way we could get him out of the rink was to promise we would come back and do it again and let him ride on the Merry-Go-Round inside the mall. It was a fun day for sure :)