Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Drew Saw Santa Today!

My Son. All Business. All the time. haha Seems like Santa was feeling the same! It was funny because the kid in front of us couldn't of been more excited to see Santa and when he finally got to have his turn, he screamed bloody murder! I thought Drew would too but he was fine...just fine :) He used all of his smiles up in line I guess!

Friday, December 18, 2009

Drew's New Favorite Chair

This chair has quite a story behind it! It actually belonged to Drew's Great-Grandpa Larry (My mom's late father) when he was a little boy. It has been passed down from child to grandchild to now great-grandchild and Drew is happy to be a part of it's you can see, he loves it :)

Monday, December 7, 2009

Like Daddy, Like Son.

What 1 year old child likes spicy hot salsa? My son apparently! :)

Sunday, December 6, 2009

Friday, December 4, 2009

It's The Mother of All Colds :(

Drew has had some colds before, but never like this! For three days, he has had a 103 fever and has been up almost every hour at night just screaming. We took him to the doctor and he thinks it's just a really bad head cold accompanying fever, headache and throat aches. It's been all about the Tylenol and Drew knows when it wears off because he goes and finds the bottle of it and asks us to give him more. He has done nothing but sleep all day long...I really miss my little goofy kid, I hope he gets better soon!