Monday, August 25, 2008

Our Big Boy is 4 Months Old Today!

Drew now weighs a beefy 13 pounds and is 23" tall! He's getting too big too fast!!

Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Too Funny To Even Describe!

So tonight we were all having a grand old time in the living room. Brad was lovingly rocking his son on his lap when all of a sudden...

Drew really knows how to ruin a Hallmark moment with his puke! Needless to say, mommy was histerically laughing and only paused slightly to capture the moment :)


3 months 3 weeks

So guess who FINALLY slept all night?? Yep, Drew did!! He fell asleep around 10:30pm and didn't wake up to eat or anything until 6am!! I'm so proud :)

Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Look Who's Sitting Up In His Bumbo Chair!!

A bumbo chair is a special chair made especially for woobly infants so they can sit up like big kids! As you can see Andrew really likes his :)

Monday, August 11, 2008

The Adventures of Drew, Cereal, and a Milestone!

3 months and 2 weeks old
Here is a video of Andrew enjoying his first taste of cereal...and let me tell you, he enjoyed it! He lasted an entire 4 hours between feedings! Apparantly breast milk alone isn't enough for my little...or should I say big man anymore! And tonight at dinner he hit another milestone!! He actually could grasp things with his chubby little hands and hold on to them! He also pulled a napkin off of his shirt and ripped it, which was cute :) He is growing up waaaay too fast!!