Thursday, July 31, 2008

Andrew Was Famous Before He Even Got Here!

I just received this from Kathy Walker with KWalker Photography. She choose Andrew and I to be the "face" of her pregnancy photo campaign advertisements (well, mostly me but Andrew made up a lot of the baby bump, lol) I thought it was pretty cool so I had to share :)

Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Monday, July 14, 2008

Oh No...SHOTS!

2 months 2 weeks old!

Today we had our two month checkup and immunization shots. He weighed in at 11 pounds and 2 ounces and is 23.75 inches long! His is in 25.64% of growth percentile based on weight for age, 50.67% of growth percentile based on length for age, and 26.89% of growth percentile based on head circumference for age...basically all that means that he is growing great :) That was the fun part of the doctor came the immunizations :( Andrew cried but not as much as mommy did! Well, at least we don't have to worry about more shots until his 4 month checkup!! So far Andrew has not developed a fever from the shots but he is really sore and grumpy and I don't blame him! He got 3 shots and 1 oral vaccine today. He is now protected against Hepatitis B, Polio, Pneumococcal Disease, Diphtheria, Tetanus & Pertussis (DTaP), Rotavirus, and Hib (Haemophilus Influenzae). He also has a very small case of cradle cap (excessive dryness) between his eyebrows...not a big deal, we can just treat it with a little bit of head and shoulders shampoo.

Put Up Your Dukes!! (Push Play!)

Thursday, July 3, 2008

He Smiles!!!

So today Andrew graced me with his beautiful open mouth smile and I happened to have a camera! I swear, we could be having the roughest night and he will smile and it just melts my heart and makes everything bad go away :)