Monday, June 30, 2008

Boy, How the Time Flies When You're Having Fun!

Happy 2 month “birthday”!! For such a small little guy he holds such a huge place in our hearts! He's getting cuter and cuter every day :)

Monday, June 16, 2008

Will The Worring Ever End??

Back to the doctors we go…I swear the nurses know my baby and I by name now! The past few weeks I have been concerned with Andrew’s excessive spitting up because it seriously looks like he is in pain and it breaks my heart! We tried mylicon drops hoping it was just bad gas but I didn’t see a change. We also tried Gripe Water with no change. I am going with my instinct on this one…my child is in pain and I have a feeling it’s acid reflux. I also wanted the doctor to check his belly button because I believe he has an umbilical hernia. Thankfully, Andrew had one of his throwing up episodes and crying fits when we were in front of the doctor so she could see what we have all been going through for the past few weeks. She had a suspicion it was GERD (gastroesophageal reflux disease). Basically, he has horrible reflux and it hurts him a lot. She prescribed him Zantac and told me I should see a significant difference in him in a few days. She also checked his belly button and told me it was perfectly common for some babies to develop small hernias in their belly because the abdomen walls are not sealed yet (I actually had one when I was a baby). She said I should only be concerned if it hurts him or if we can’t push it in easily.

UPDATE: What a HUGE difference that medicine makes!! He no longer cringes in pain or cries when he spits up! Thank God for western medicine and thank God he doesn’t have colic like we initially thought!!

Sunday, June 15, 2008

Happy Father's Day Daddy!!

This is Brad's first father's day and Andrew gave him his present...his first smile :)

Thursday, June 12, 2008

Back to the doctors...

I made a doctor appointment for Andrew again because myself and a few other people noticed that his eyes and skin were becoming quite yellow. He was tested for jaundice at birth and it was negative so I was concerned it was his liver. The doctor tested his skin pigment by shinning a little laser on different areas of his body and it would give back a number reading. The numbers came back normal for a baby with jaundice…but how can this be? The doctor told me that it is pretty common for breast-fed babies to develop it from the mother…who knew? She called it Breast Milk derived Jaundice. She said it would go away on its own in a month or so. We will keep an eye on him…maybe two eyes :) Oh yea, Andrew is now weighing in at 9 pounds 8 ounces…big boy!

Saturday, June 7, 2008

Baby + Cooing = Heaven

Our little man was finally able to spit out a little coo today! Seriously, it melted me and I wanted more! I know more will be coming soon and I can't wait!!

Thursday, June 5, 2008

Poor Little Guy!

I made a doctor appointment for Andrew today because the poor thing has been backed up for 7 days now! I called the nurse advice line and she said some newborn babies could go up to a month without having a bowl movement because their constipation is based on dehydration rather than their ability to go…well, I was not going to make my child wait that long! I brought him in and the doctor gave him a suppository and let me tell you…his crap SHOT across the table and it was the stinkiest thing I have ever smelt! Even the doctor mentioned something haha Poor little guy! I bet he feels much better now! The doctor said that I might have to give him a glycerin suppository every other day until he can go on his own…fun. On the brighter side, he weighed in at 8 pounds 15 ounces! The doctor actually joked and asked me if I was feeding him butter because he was gaining weight so well :)

Monday, June 2, 2008

We Made It!!

Happy 1 month “birthday” to my big boy! I can’t believe it’s already been 4 weeks since he’s entered our lives! It’s weird, but it seems like he’s always been here…he just fits right in!